The Realm Of Maui

The Realm Of Maui
Lara discovers New Zealand

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lara's shaky hands hold up the last piece, and carefully reunites it with the other. Suddenly a stream of bright light explodes causing Lara to black out.
As she awakes she looks around.... Nothing..... "where am I"......nothing.

It all began with a phone call, If Lara knew that it would lead her here, she would have not answered.

2 weeks earlier.......

New Zealand Herald 10/07/07
New Zealander`s have made an extraordinary discovery. A piece of an unbelievable weapon has been found. This weapon is made of green stone and the engravings on it were in some unknown language. Maybe the original Maori writing script. The Maori people of New Zealand claim it is evil and have fears that the other half will be recovered.

England,Croft Manor 1/10/07

Just after karate lessons, the phone rings, it echoes throughout the hall ways of the mansion."Winston!" the butler hurries to Lara, "yes madam",Lara points Winston the butler to the phone. "The Prime Minister of New Zealand, madam" Winston hands over the phone.
Lara's puzzled, but confidently answers"Lara Croft speaking".

"Yes, hello. My name is Helen Clarke and I'm calling from New Zealand. I have heard that you are the best when it comes to discovering relics and artifacts."

"well, that may be so, but as the world knows I have retired from my exploring days."

"But, I hear that you cant turn down offers like this, have you heard of a weapon made from stone that gives the holder all the power in the world ."

"Hmm, Intriguing, what are the obstacles"

Lara agrees to meet in New Zealand for a briefing of the journey. lara prepares for the journey and talks old pals Bryce and Larsen into the ordeal. Winston trys to talk them out of it but fails as the three organise their flights.

New Zealand Wellington Airport 2/10/07
On arrival to New Zealand the 3 are ready to go. They have researched all New Zealand myths, legends and landscapes.
They meet with Helen Clarke who sets them up with connections and fills them in with more information.

Day One
Lara, Bryce and Larson set out to explore the first piece of the weapon. It is being kept in the Auckland Museum of ancient Artifacts and Relics.
Lara examines the weapon and is amazed at its beauty.

"Wow, I have never seen anything quite like it, it has some kind of transcript written on it. Bryce do you think you can have a go at......"

"Of course I can, pass it here. Hmm. Its written in some kind of aboriginal script.....Hmm.....Beholder- beware-the-one-the-only-true-spirit....." "Its not complete, the rest most be written on the other piece."

Later on that day Lara speaks with local Maori Tribes. They all warn her and tell her not to go any further, they tell her of dark spirits that surround and terror those that go venturing for it.
The tell her of danger that awaits within the Myst of the forest. They tell her of the evil that poisons the souls of those that find it.
The mystery and spiritual darkness excites Lara and she hungers to know more.

Day two
Lara awakes from a dream, she swipes the sweat from her forehead and wakes up the boys. She explains her dream and suggest that it is a sign and that it will lead them to the rest of the Taiaha (weapon). They travel to the tangariro national park, where the dream had supposably taken place. There Lara amazingly swims down and finds a secret cave hidden in the main Crater lake. Bryce and Larsen follow her into the cave. As they enter the cave they rush to the top for air and discover a tunnel that is engraved with similar scripts as the piece of Taiaha back at the museum. They light a flare, which lights up a whole room full of artifacts, pictures and other treasures.

"Can you believe it look at all this. I knew this journey was worthwhile, lets look for the part of the weapon."

"Wait! Guys! Don't touch anything! according to the walls it says,Um.. The-touch-of-life-....the-touch-of-death-to-touch-is-death, which means, if you touch, your dead!"

"Oh, shit!"

Larsen gasped a breath of air as he disappeared into the ground dropping a Paua ring. Lara and Bryce grasped each other as Reality hit. Lara froze, then flung out her guns, getting ready for the unknown. She searched the area where Larsen had sucked into but it was as solid as rock.
Then, Bryce grab Lara and pointed to a picture engraved into the wall of the cave.
The picture resembled Lara, Lara standing on a white peak surrounded by white.

Day three
Lara and Bryce travel to The southern alps,
there Lara leads the way fending off wild animals and exploring untouched glaciers. The sun starts to set and they decide to camp for the night.

Day four
Lara frighteningly awakes to find she is alone, her dream from last night is so real. She jumps out of the tent and searches for Bryce. After endless hours she decides to take a rest from searching. She leans her weight against a wall of ice and tries to relax.
She blanks in and out of dreams which are becoming more real.
Suddenly she falls into an ice cavern and slides down for at least 100 metres. As she hits the bottom she rolls to awareness and discovers a familiar area in her dream.
She shakes her head from snow and mud and tries to make out her consciousness.
In the corner of her eye a slight twinkle attracts her attention. As she turns to look, surrounded by many evil looking figurines is a man. As Lara approaches, She is attacked by spirits and the undead. Lara manages to conquer them all and uses her last once of energy to reach to the man. Lara realizes this is Maui, and Lara grabs the last piece of the weapon from his ghostly grasp.

Lara's shaky hands hold up the last piece and carefully reunites it with the other. Suddenly a stream of bright light explodes and causes Lara to black out.
As she awakes she looks around. Nothing....."where am I."......nothing.

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